Image of Earth from space, with sun rising over horizon.

Instructions For Listening: 

We are the Collective Souls of the Planet (Soul Collective) and we desire to assist in your spiritual growth and in a way that provides you on spiritual levels with what you need.”

1.  Sit or lie down where you will not be distracted for five minutes. Ask your High Self (your wise part) to protect you and to share the recording with your subconscious mind and other High Selves they choose, anywhere in the world, for the highest good of all. Close your eyes, breathe more deeply, and focus on the brow area. You will receive the benefits of the exercise even if you have a busy mind.

2. Listen to the five-minute recording (CD or download) once a day. It can be used twice a day with good effect if used in the beginning and the end of the day.

3.  Drink adequate water during the day so you do not get dehydrated.

4.  Listen to your body each day. Rest more if that is what it wants.

For the most part, when you listen to the recording you will not hear physical sounds — yet you will be automatically connected through your sutratma (invisible cord between Soul and personality) with your Souls being, part of the Soul Collective. There will be sound for a brief welcome and a brief ending on each recording. Yet during the quiet part of the recording, Soul Collective will help you directly.

In addition, each time you listen to the recording, you will be upgraded by Soul Collective from where you were the previous time you listened, so you are constantly being assisted. Each session is customized.

We recommend that you ask your High Self to thank Soul Collective after each session.

Five Exercises

The five exercises are Attunement, Harmonizing, Resolution of Conflict, Living in Fullness, and Grace. (They must be done in order).
The Soul Collective recommends that you listen to a recording for two weeks, and then have a two-week period of not listening.
(A gong indicates the end of each track).

The schedule would be:

1. Two weeks of listening to the Attunement recording (CD track #1), then
Two weeks of not listening to the Attunement recording (rest period).
And in the following month:

2. Two weeks of listening to the Harmonizing recording (CD track#2), then
Two weeks of not listening to the Harmonizing recording (rest period).
Continue on in like manner with Resolution of Conflict, Living in Fullness and Grace.
When you start a new exercise you must wait one month before even listening to the next exercise; Soul Collective activity is still taking place for you during the two-week “rest periods” of each exercise. Once again: these exercises need to be done in order.

There may be physical, emotional, and/or mental cleansing sometime during the two-week periods.

  • Drink adequate water so if you have an extreme cleansing of liquid or solid waste, you won’t become dehydrated.

  • If a physical, emotional or mental cleansing upsets you, find a friend or professional to talk to.

SHARING (Optional)

Q: How could a person share their five-minute recording that they are listening to with people anywhere in the world, especially those who are suffering?

A: The procedure requires that the person playing the recording of the Soul Collective ask their wise part, their High Self, to share each time what the Soul Collective provides. The High Self conducts that sharing by linking with other High Selves which can include people throughout the world. The person doing the sharing becomes like a new light in the darkness of illusion.

In general, we recommend that any personality also extend that invitation to all of their subconscious selves, giving them an opportunity to explore how they can render service in that specific manner.

Q: Can a person assume that the personalities, who are in need anywhere in the world, do not know anything about what is taking place, but that their High Self is taking part because they know it will help them?

A: Yes. They get a surprise blessing. The High Self has been allowed to make that connection. The Soul Collective then goes directly into that personality.

As each person’s experience will be different, the Soul Collective recommends that a person, listening to the attunement, evaluate their well-being and seek medical advice as needed.