Here is additional information that you may find helpful. This document answers just about any question you might have concerning the Soul Collective work:

The Collective Souls of Earth


We are the Collective Souls of the Planet (Soul Collective) and we desire to assist in your spiritual growth and in a way that provides you on spiritual levels with what you need. Information presented is not about religion but is about individual growth in a way that may or may not be new for you.

Each person is sponsored and sustained by their Soul. Soul conveys what many people call Divinity by one name or another. In our rendering assistance to each of you performing these exercises, we attune as a collective and supply all that is needed to encourage growth for you at this point in your path of development, in order to help you become what you need to be.

We will offer information about five different, five-minute exercises for your benefit. We are ready for questions.

Question: Does Soul Collective refer to all Souls on the planet?

Answer: Yes, billions if not trillions of Souls.

Q: Does this include Souls of human beings, animals, plants and even the minerals of Earth?

A: Yes. One Soul may sponsor a number of personalities, a number of different animals, a number of different plants and a number of different minerals. We believe that the understanding that a person needs is that Soul is expressing life through everything.

Q: Are the Souls all aware of this project to help humanity in this way?

A: Yes.

Q: How does the information that you want to share with humanity get from you, Soul Collective, to this download?

A: A group of highly evolved beings who wish to help humanity know what the answers are have been authorized to speak for Soul Collective. This group of highly evolved beings are on the causal and mental planes and they are able to speak through the voice of a trance channel. The man goes into a trance, a sleep- like state- so he is unaware of what he is saying. A person who asks the questions then records the answers, and someone downloads it. There is an overlap between causal and mental planes in order to allow this communication.

Q: What would you say to someone who asks you why they should spend their time doing these exercises?

A: Did you ever think it would be possible for you to have your Soul and the Collective Souls of Earth get to know you in a direct, profound way, in this lifetime and all others, and provide you with what they knew that you needed for your personal growth- and all you had to do was sit, without multi-tasking, for five minutes and listen to a recording? It is your choice. It is hard for most people to even try to comprehend the gift that has been offered.

Q: What are the exercises that will be presented?

A: Attunement, Harmonizing, Resolution of Conflict, Living in Fullness, and Grace

Q: Do these exercises need to be done in that order?

A: Yes.

Q: Please comment on the five-minute exercises.

A: We may comment that these exercises will be primarily focused upon building attunement within the four bodies of a human personality (physical, etheric, astral, mental) to causal body. If you are able to help each body of a personality to resonate to a common vibration, the alignment in each of the bodies produces less friction and thus greater power of transmission of Soul Love and radiance.

The exercises that are presented in the recordings will offer a number of healing options; the word “healing” needs to be understood as more than healing a particular body- like the physical body. It represents a multi-body healing that produces a greater expression of the one life within a personality.

Q: What are the instructions for a person to do before, during or after each exercise?

A: A person would benefit more without being distracted by having a pet in the room- it might try to get their attention during the five-minutes that the recording was being played.

We recommend that a person choose a comfortable position whether they sit or lie down, then close their eyes, and mentally ask their High Self (the wise part of their personality) to cleanse and protect them, for the highest good of all, and breathe more deeply as they go through the five-minute experience.

Some people may enjoy focusing attention upon the region of the brow, where the brow chakra may at times produce resonant feelings that can be physically
noted. People who agree to listen to the recording will not hear physical
sounds, other than a brief introduction and closing, yet they will be automatically connected through their sutratma (the invisible cord between their Soul and personality) with their Souls, and their Souls with the Soul Collective.

The energies that the Soul Collective utilizes to provide the energetic treatment of a person are activated during the period of quiet. Those energies apply directly to the person. They do not pass through the recording material. Thus energies are appropriate for the moment in which the individual receives them. However the mental labeling of that incident does take place. (More on mental labels later)

Q: How many times do you recommend that people listen to the recording?

A: We suggest a minimum of once a day, yet it can be used twice a day, with good effect, if it is used in the beginning and the end of the day.

Q: Is it best to do the sessions seven days a week?

A: Yes. It is not essential, yet the value of the attunement received will be easily recognizable by most people. Five days a week would be sufficient.

We add that not everyone will be perceptive of attunement and harmony within their bodily structure. Some will be continuously distracted. For example, the use of the recording will also apply to persons considered in a coma. In many cases the person will respond even if they are not physically aware.

Q: How long do you suggest that people do each exercise, starting with the attunement exercise?

A: We suggest that continuous use be for two weeks for each exercise.
At that point, it is wise to allow the chakra system and body structure of the personality an opportunity to regroup and deal with its improved relationship with the energetic environment of the planet. We suggest that a similar period of nonuse of the attunement exercise and the other exercises be two weeks.

Q: If a person has a busy mind and is thinking about other things which makes it hard to focus, are the exercises still effective?

A: Yes.

Q: Does Soul Collective provide each person with their mental label the first time they listen to the recording?

A: Yes, that will take place automatically during the quiet part of the recording.

Q: Would you comment on the mental label that a person will receive?

A: The mental label consists of a specific thought form that the Souls of a given personality place into the mental body. It is more of a clerical action. That label notifies, locates, gives a person’s current status to Soul Collective and also acts as an entry point for Soul forces and even higher forces to enter the personality to perform that aspect of healing and growth each time the person plays the recording.

The Souls in the causal plane are not trapped in physical time. They respond to the mental pulse when the exercises are utilized on the physical plane and that causes them to focus their therapeutic energies for the person. They do so when the recording is being played, yet they are not limited to that period of time. They may apply their therapeutic energy at other times as well.

For those who want more information, we note that from a physical viewpoint there is one CD or download to present the exercise to the person. That is imprinted each time on a mental level when the Soul Collective presents the healing influence. The imprinting that takes place is more in the form of a label. The energies that produce the effect of the exercise are not imprinted in the CD or download.

Q: Is it correct to say that the mental label is stored in the mental body of the person and not the CD or download?

A: Yes, it is in the mental body of the person.

Q: Could two or more people listen to the same recording at the same time and each receive their metal label?

A: Yes. Thus the exercises can be used in a group.

Q: When a person is going to play the recording each time, does their Soul notice and assist them because they have a mental label?

A: Indeed. The Soul notices quite readily because of the importance attached to the procedure by the Soul Collective. Souls then act as the locator for this effort of the Collective.

Q: Is it correct that every person who listens to the recording will have the Soul Collective updating them and changing them each time they listen to it in order to meet their needs?

A: Yes. The process is created from the outset on the level of Collective Soul initiative. Thus those causal energies will be able to address any number of permeations of energies in the four bodies of the personality.

Q: Would each person in the family need their own CD or download? A: No. It will adapt to whoever is listening.

The key to the operation of the recording is that the causal energies transmitted in association with the recording will address individual needs for each individual. The recording acts as an anchor for contact that occurs each time the exercise is experienced. The power lies not within the CD or download but in the contact, a living flow of intelligence that provides what a person most needs. It will also apply to animals and plants.

Q: Could you explain how that actually takes place?

A: The contact takes place within the Field of Higher Consciousness where the Soul Collective makes direct, intelligent contact with the personality seeking enhancement so that the Soul Collective knows exactly the status of the personality and gives what it most needs for enhancement.

Q: If there were a billion people who were all doing these exercises at the same time, does Soul Collective have the capability to know individually what each of those billion people need every time they listen to the recording and how to upgrade each of them?

A: Definitely and much more capability.

Potential Benefits

Q: Would you give potential benefits that a person might receive from each two- week exercise?

A: Attunement brightens a person in terms of their expression of life energy through the four bodies. The brightness arises as areas of dissonance or dissonant energies are resolved or expelled. The net effect in physical terms can express in many ways. One person experiencing a degenerative disease will experience a definite increase in energy while a second person with the same disease may experience the opposite.

In the first person’s case, the energies of attunement are able to produce a greater receptivity to life force offered through Soul. In the second person’s case that person has a greater number of dissonant energies and those must be resolved or expelled before they can experience a greater vitality. Such differences occur in all five of the exercises.

In terms of the Harmonizing exercise, the life energies are applied from a different direction and are designed to amplify the results achieved through the attunement exercise. There is an additional level of organization. That pattern holds for all four remaining exercises, harmonizing, resolution of conflict, living in fullness and Grace, with their sequence augmenting the achievements of the earlier exercises.

The person will experience a set of subtle sensations that they will not achieve in the process of attunement. Those sensations and benefits may seem small at first but as a person continues with the harmonizing exercise, they will become much more prominent.

In the harmonizing exercise, life energies move through the sutratma and major chakras into the minor chakras and bodies of the personality bringing a unifying force that strengthens the relationship of different energies and energetic systems within the four bodies of the personality. The relationship of different energies aligns in ways that augment the expression of life force through matter or substance.

Attunement of those same energies produces a brightening effect. The harmonizing energies follow up to produce, first of all, a greater and more effective combining of energies that produces a second brightening effect upon matter or substance in the four bodies. The situation is similar to what is achieved with the attunement of a musical instrument and then the music played upon it utilizes a greater richness achieved through using principles of harmony.

The development of harmonies occurs within the four bodies. Therefore most of the harmonizing influence begins first in the mental body, proceeds into the astral body and then precipitates into the etheric body and as the higher three bodies harmonize energies of life, they bring changes to the function and structure of matter in the physical body. The process may be regarded as a cascade effect that brings a greater richness and augmentation of vibrating, living forces to the living particles of matter.

A person who is attuned gains the sense of greater awareness and that awareness seems to extend into dimensions beyond the physical. A person receiving attunement often feels a sense of uplift or elevation. In contrast a person experiencing harmonization experiences first a deepening richness of life experience within the four bodies.

The Resolution of Conflict experience involves strengthening the evolutionary thrust within a personality. The personality at more primitive levels of development has a smaller scope of perception, a smaller scope of understanding experience and is typically dominated by habits. A more advanced person has a greater range of perception and understanding and has advanced in the process of resolving limiting beliefs. Thus they begin to emerge from habit and develop greater expression of creativity which of course manifests Soul.

The resolution of conflict exercise provokes certain limiting beliefs and causes them to express energetically in the four bodies of the personality. A person who is focused mainly upon their physical health may well experience a definite disharmony that is provoked by those energies.

From the Soul perspective the Soul seeks to “pull a weed out of a garden.” The “weed” represents a use of life force that is ultimately self-defeating. It represents glamour in the astral body, and illusion in the mental body- which then create a holding pattern of life force in the etheric and physical bodies. It acts as an unresponsive part of the personality. The “pulling out of a weed” consisting of a limiting belief requires a certain therapeutic process within the personality. Yet a personality that has gained the benefits of attunement and harmonizing is much more capable of responding constructively to the resolution of conflicts caused by limiting beliefs.

The Living in Fullness exercise provides Soul Collective support for each aspect of the personality experiencing unity with all life and a greater sense of connection occurring in the four bodies of the personality. The experience of connection through life force is enhanced and provides nourishment and encouragement to all aspects of the personality.

On the level of consciousness the sense of being connected with all other expressions of life provides for a sense of being at home, of being in a holy place with vertical connection with and through Soul. The beings of substance are drawn upward in consciousness through their desire to manifest such unity of being.

The vibratory forces of life within the personality all resonate with each other and express what is often considered as a sum greater than the parts. With repeated experiences, the person gains a greater sense of freedom within the four bodies.

In the mental body, freedom means freedom of communication with others and freedom of communication with Soul. Within the astral body, this elevation produces a sense of joy, of belonging and of feeling nourished as though at home. Within the etheric body, elevation produces a sense of enhanced vitality that one feels in their blood and bones, and the pulses of life that run through nature. In the physical body the elevation produces a greater sense of attunement when all the systems of the physical body work together with greater efficiency, producing a condition that may promote radiant health.

As a person invokes Grace repeatedly, their entire personality structure is enhanced and elevated. That produces greater access to universal knowledge and resources. The Grace Force installs itself as a presence within those who ask for Grace and those who receive Grace. That presence is marked in the structure of the personality as an area of elevated life.

In terms of body elementals and devas, the beings of substance in the four bodies of the personality, those beings absorb the life energy of Grace and become that quality. They transform from a lower karmic-activated level of form into the higher Grace-activated level of form. A clairvoyant viewing the body of a person who has been invoking Grace repeatedly notices a golden glow throughout the body.

In the case of a person who works with Grace with greater commitment and service, their four bodies glow with life in a way that provides them with increased awareness and responsiveness to Soul and even higher beings. When Soul seeks to place the personality upon the path of spiritual mastery, the golden glow represents the key indicator that Soul uses in timing that higher level of spiritual initiation.

In more physical terms, the person benefitting from Grace may suddenly have a change in health and where they had been depressed, health suddenly becomes energized and expressive of harmony.

In terms of emotional reactions, when a person is caught in negative emotional reactions that we term as glamour, the invocation of Grace repeatedly often clears those energies and dissolves those glamours, freeing the person on conscious and subconscious levels for greater clarity of purpose and ability to serve all of life.

In terms of the mental body, a person who frequently invokes Grace gains a deeper, almost instant understanding of others and of situations. The understanding comes because the mental body has grown like a clear lens that allows for awareness and knowledge as well as wisdom to become available to both Outer Self and subconscious selves.

(From our perspective, what you consider as the “personality” actually consists of an Outer Self- your conscious mind- and various sub-conscious aspects, as well as your link to Divinity, your High Self).

Q: How would you define Grace?

A: Grace functions according to the original intention of the Creator of All. It represents part of the structure and function of reality or what may be called the multiverse. It provides for the smooth harmonious working through of the processes of growth to advance each personality and being and it allows for a greater harmonious relationship between an individual, whether human or other form, and the world.

Grace functions as a “change agent” for all those beings who became separated from Soul through the illusion of separation. Grace penetrates through the sutratma into the chakra system and bodies of a personality, clearing away what does not belong, and opening the personality to a more clear awareness and expression of life.

Grace flows like love in the process of the natural circulation of forces within the multiverse. It requires that a person or other being request the action of Grace. Grace can be requested for specific or general conditions of life. It is not limited in supply and operates instantaneously. It works within the structure of Soul, penetrating into the forms of Earth.

By utilizing invocations of Grace repeatedly each day, one may develop certain capacities in the mental body for sustaining a single invocation of Grace. Their initial effort produces a brief opening in their mental body that allows for the manifestation of Grace within the person as well as in those prayed for.

As that skill develops through repetition, the mental body develops certain capacities that allow for a longer duration of time for the expression of Grace. That longer duration offers a greater impact when Grace is directed to individual and collective needs.

Q: How may a person ask for Grace for themself?

A: A person can simply ask their High Self to provide them with Grace for the highest good of all.

Q: How does a person invoke Grace for another person or animal?

A: A person should ask their High Self to ask the High Self of the other person or animal to invoke Grace for them.

Q: When we make a request for Grace for ourselves or others for the highest good, what does that do?

A: It automatically uplifts or elevates the energies of the chakra systems and bodies of a person.

Rest Periods

Q: Could the period of non-use between exercises be called a rest period?

A: Yes, although people should realize that there is still a lot of Soul Collective activity taking place during the time of non-use of the recordings.
We note that during this rest period, the four bodies of the person continue to assimilate and integrate the energies that have been offered. They need to interact with the energy and order that Soul Collective has introduced. The beings of substance in each body have their own pace of acceptance and incorporation of what is offered through Soul; the rest period is required to allow that process to take place without forcing.

Q: What takes place during the two-week rest period of each exercise?

A: During the actual Attunement exercise the personality receives (on multiple levels) the attunement procedure. That involves a number of different energies or forces working together, resulting in the attunement. During that period, the personality must receive as best they can what is offered. Then, when that intervention stops energetically, the natural beings of substance as well as subconscious selves and Outer Self need to react to the changes introduced.

That reaction requires, especially within the beings of substance within the four bodies, an acceptance of what has energetically been provided through Divine intervention. Beings of substance consist of elementals and devas paired together in the forms now recognized as atoms, molecules, cells and tissues. If they accept the attunement, then the body changes energetic rhythms. This altered rhythm in the four bodies enhances the expression of life force.

However, if some of the body elementals and devas resist accepting the energetic changes produced by the attunement exercise they will express a greater degree of friction. Their wills and minds then act in some degree of opposition to the attunement. The rest period will allow them to resist if they wish- although they generally give up resisting when they experience the benefits of attunement.

This has ramifications within body tissues, for example. The concept may be similar to having a greater sense of community among the beings that form the tissues. Having that sense of community gives them a greater will to cooperate, and thus the body in which they dwell works more effectively. The period of rest allows all of these changes to occur and stabilize. The rest period allows for the natural forces in the body to adjust and then stabilize at a higher level of attunement.

The Harmonizing process is similar but operates in what may be regarded as a vertical dimension among the four bodies of the personality as well as the chakra system. The harmonizing approach links the four bodies whereas the attunement process develops attunement within the four bodies. The harmonizing process draws the mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies into the same type of music or song. They join together in their respective dimensions.

The rest period following the harmonizing procedure involves the alignment of the four bodies. What we describe as music is their means of linking the four bodies just as a large choir is “linked” by the conductor of the choir. Thus the mental body relates more closely with the astral body; the astral body relates more closely with the etheric body; and the etheric body relates more closely with the physical body. The rest period following the harmonizing exercise allows for those adjustments to take place and to stabilize within the personality.

The impulse of achieving Resolution of Conflict deliberately draws forth the less functional aspects in the four bodies. Those less functional aspects are areas within those bodies that may be regarded as the most resistant, or the most frustrating. The conflict that they engage in needs to be exaggerated and exposed, so that those engaged in the conflict can recognize the effect upon themselves and upon others.

Q: Some people may be afraid of doing this exercise because they fear that they may encounter physical difficulties in their life.

A: We understand that reaction and regard it as typical. When people face the words “conflict resolution” they seek to avoid conflict. When a person is willing to welcome a new view of the persevering conflict within their personality, they receive from the Soul Collective a variety of cleansing impulses that clear the seeds of the conflict. Such seeds include the feelings of unworthiness and incompetence and the varied glamours that person carries for lifetimes without being aware of.

Q: When doing the conflict of resolution exercise, will a person probably have more conflict appear in their life?

A: Most likely yes. It is not always necessary but it will most likely appear, yet in a somewhat muted form. The Soul Collective and the Soul engaged in the personality will deliberately mute the conflict so that the conflict within the personality can be more easily resolved. Conflicts may still occur but not with the same intensity. It will be equivalent to experiencing memories of an earlier conflict, yet the memories will not be as intense and certainly not overwhelming.

Most often the conflicts that receive Soul Collective healing involve emotional stress where the conflicts represent two polarized expressions of emotion such as fear and love. When those emotions express within a personality, on Outer Self or subconscious self levels, the conflict produces emotional reactions that must take place in order to produce an elevated understanding.

The understanding may present itself as acceptance of what has been previously denied or forgiveness for some experience of harm. It may take other forms than those yet those will likely be more frequently observed.

Q: Is it possible that people with illnesses or diseases might get better and start healing themself?

A: Yes it is. The clearing of those deeper conflicts within the beings of substance is completely possible, and it also depends upon the level of acceptance whereby those beings accept the gifts allowed.

The gift of Soul can provoke reactions that will often produce an arousal of emotional wounds so that they can be recognized. One then becomes more aware of their effects upon themselves and others.

Q: Does this mean that emotional abuse that one suffered in this or other lifetimes might come into their awareness?

A: Yes. That awareness could be provoked by the energetic stimulus from the Soul Collective. The wound in any of the four bodies must arise and to some extent express its presence into both subconscious selves and Outer Self. Each of those selves is provided an opportunity to recognize the presence of the wound and then participate in its healing.

Q: What does the resolution of conflict rest period allow for in each body and what activity takes place during this time?

A: A significant advance occurs in the bodies of the personality where deeply buried conflicts have been brought forward and resolved. That resolution process may seem somewhat challenging at times yet it is completely certain that the resolution process runs deep and true within each person on conscious and subconscious levels.

Resolution produces unification where polarization has prevailed. The forces of unification bring together that which has been divided in energies and substance producing a higher level of life expression within the four bodies of a personality.

The challenge that a person faces in choosing to resolve deep conflicts amply rewards that person thereafter. They lay down burdens they have carried without knowing. They have let go of deep fears that have kept them locked within the illusion of separation and they achieve a greater clarity in understanding and perceiving greater depths and heights in daily life. Their improved perspective gives them the wisdom, the strength, and the clarity of intention that carries them forward on the path of spiritual mastery.

In the energetic Living in Fullness exercise all of the earlier exercises are brought to a point of completion. Each of those earlier exercises performs its task preparing the way for the next exercise to follow. Living in fullness brings a fine tuning for the beings of substance and also the subconscious selves. Most of the energy refinements occur within the chakra system and thus the beings of substance in the physical body, for example, will experience the refinement of their attunement and harmony with others.

They will also sense a greater sense of life force through them achieved by the resolution of conflicts and then with each change in the beings of substance, the chakras make tiny yet important adjustments. The entire process may be considered as similar to tuning a violin. It represents multiple levels of vibratory force achieving a higher state of coherence.

During the Grace exercise the energetic changes introduced from the Soul Collective make profound changes in the structure of the personality and it’s functions. The two-week rest period allows for those processes to not only complete but also interact. The functions within the personality then interact with each other in a refined and more effective way.

On the physical level the body may well express greater health and feel less friction. In the astral body a person may experience times when glamours are brought forward by the High Self and it becomes much easier, through the influence of Grace to clear those glamours. In the mental body the impact of Grace absorbed within the four bodies of the personality allows for a greater harmonizing of those four bodies to occur.

In these ways the person receiving the benefits of Grace becomes more highly attuned to the higher levels of life- especially the causal level where Soul dwells. The causal energy of Soul then makes great impact upon the energies of a person’s mental body, and as the mental body organizes in a more effective way to express life force, the organization of the mental body precipitates into the three lower bodies. That means that a person’s general awareness and capability expands with a sense of harmony, producing a feeling of being grounded in the Creator of All.

Cleansing Aspect

Q: Would you give a few possible ways that each of a person’s bodies might cleanse during these exercises and affect a person?

A: During the entire attunement process a person will feel effects in mental, astral, etheric, and physical bodies. We will briefly characterize those.

The cleansing of the mental body will produce moments of opening, as though the person’s mental body has expanded and become larger. It is a sensation that can be noticed by the Outer Self.

During a cleansing process, the astral body will produce emotions that have been contained; those emotions are likely to rise and be experienced. The Outer Self and subconscious selves have opportunity then to accept those emotions as energies of their past. As they accept them, those energies release and are cleansed from the astral body. That will often produce some physical sensations that will be felt as freeing from stress.

Within the etheric body the cleansing process will produce a greater need for deep breathing. That means that with emphasis on physical inhalation into the lungs the etheric portal between the shoulder blades will become more activated as etheric energy is expelled. The pattern there involves physical inhalation and etheric exhalation. Thus a person may notice some sensations such as itching in that region of the etheric portal between the physical shoulder blades.

The etheric cleansing process will also produce periods of elevated energy for a person and at the opposite end, periods of apparent lack of energy. The elevated energy can be used constructively by the person, yet the lower levels of energy require that the person rest. Again, use of the breathing exercise will help restore energy when it appears depleted.

Within the physical body the cleansing process produces additional amounts of residuals and waste products that are swept by the lymphatic system into the blood stream and deposited within the liver and kidneys- the cleansing organs of the blood stream. Then they taken out of the body by the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. Those reactions may provide for a temporary feeling of resistance where a person feels like they have to push forward through the day because the physical body is not running as smoothly as usual.

Q: Could that cause diarrhea?

A: Indeed. In more extreme cases of cleansing it could well cause an increase in the normal channels of elimination, the GI tract and the urinary tract. We wish to add the precaution that a person could become dehydrated due to extreme cleansing of liquid or solid waste, if they did not drink adequate water the previous day. For that reason, early in the process a sensation of severe thirst could occur. When a person drinks water, the water has both physical and etheric effects. It brings an extra energy charge on an etheric level, adding vitality to the body.

When the normal channels of cleansing of the GI tract and the urinary tract are overloaded, the body resorts to elimination of waste products through the lungs (on the out-breath) and through the skin.

Simplified Steps For Doing An Exercise

1. Sit or lie down with the intention of doing the attunement exercise for example. 2. Ask your High Self to share with other High Selves it chooses.

3. Close your eyes. Accept the fact that your Soul is already attuned to the Soul Collective.

4. Play the five-minute exercise. During the period of silence, simply be quiet and open. The silence is the most important part of the exercise.

5. Receive the gift that the Soul Collective offers during the period of silence. 6. After you have received, you may give thanks to the Soul Collective.

The period of silence acts as a point of intervention where the Soul Collective provides the condition described by the title of the recording, attunement, harmonizing, resolution of conflict, living in fullness, or Grace. One does not need to focus their mind in any particular way. They can focus their mind as they wish.

The person receiving what Soul Collective offers does not need to be involved in any technical considerations. They merely need to be open as best they can and manage what occurs from Soul through the sutratma of the person. The changes occur from within the sutratma, radiating outward through the chakras and affecting the bodies of the person.

We note that each self receives from the Soul Collective what they need. The same benefits do not flow to each person or self. Therefore, each aspect of the personality- even a particular physical organ or the nervous system- receives what it needs.


Q: Please comment on which of these exercises could be done by children and if there is anything different in the way that they do them.

A: We believe that all of the exercises are advisable for all persons including children.

Q: Will all children benefit, and if they are not ready to do a certain exercise will Soul Collective keep them on the exercise that is best for them?

A: Certainly.

Q: Does this apply to adults too?

A: It applies even to people with severe disabilities and those who may be considered in a comatose state.


Q: What is the effect of the recording on animals?

A: Animals will receive the same benefit.

Q: How might their behavior be different?

A: They will most likely behave with less fear.

Q: Is there some way that a dog’s owner could tell a difference by observing the dog?

A: Yes. They will sense a greater vitality in the dog or a greater sense of harmony.

We may point out that if the exercise is to be applied to animals such as a dog, the person undergoing the exercise has to follow a simple procedure which we will outline.

First a person needs to ask if it is for the highest good to convey the energies of the exercise to the dog or cat or whatever animal. The High Self answers that question. (The average person will probably sense this answer to the question in their heart chakra; their heart chakra will feel more expansive and warm).

It may be appropriate or not appropriate at the time. If it is, then the person asking for the benefit of the animal will act as a resonant channel of the energies presented by the Soul Collective to the animal. That is quite possible.

The person doing it needs to recognize that the energy will be channeled through the High Self and that the four bodies of the personality and the chakra system will act as resonance generators for the animal.

It will also be more appropriate if the person acting as the channel asks the supervising deva of the animal if the deva is willing to cooperate with the energetic process.

Plants, Minerals and Other Beings

Q: What would the recording do for plants? Would they grow bigger or stronger?

A: That is possible. It depends on how the life force needs to express through the plant or animal.

Q: Should the person ask the “supervising deva” of the plant, if it would be willing to accept the exercises?

A: Indeed. We recommend that step even though many people will not understand it, because it involves the proper protocol for achieving collaboration with the devic kingdom.

Q: Do all minerals such as rocks and crystals in a person’s house receive benefits when the person is listening to the recording?

A: Realize that the effect of this approach to attunement operates through the sutratma of the human personality engaged in the attunement process. The power of the process radiates from the person’s sutratma outward in all directions and dimensions. Thus, beings in the environment all receive a benefit. This benefit of the attunement stems from the level of Soul.

Q: During the recording, should the person ask their High Self to also have it affect all of the people and beings in their home?

A: Yes. The same could be done even for people and beings at a far distance. Physical space presents no barrier to the effects of the attunement. One can simply think of individuals or groups, for example, people living in poverty or even a country at war. Soul already resides within them all, and when a person thinks of others in need, Soul responds- making that mental connection. As a person thinks of children in need, Soul moves swiftly, immediately, through that contact to those children in need.


Q: How could a person share their five-minute recording that they are listening to with people anywhere in the world, especially those who are suffering?

A: The procedure requires that the person playing the recording of the Soul Collective ask their High Self to share what the Soul Collective provides with others. All the person needs to do before they start the recording of the Soul Collective is mentally say, “High Self, please share this recording with others.” Their High Self and the Soul Collective will respond with sensitivity in extending the benefits to many other personalities, anywhere in the world.

We will offer some more examples of what to say, for those who want them:

“High Self, please give invitations to the High Selves of everyone in my neighborhood, state, nation or world.”

“High Self, please give invitations to the High Selves of everyone suffering from ____________ (a certain disaster, starvation, etc.) for the highest good of all.”

In general, we also recommend that the person extend invitations to their subconscious selves or aspects. They may include other kingdoms of life, such as devas and elementals, the beings of nature.

Q: Approximately how many High Selves are taking advantage of the invitation each time that a High Self puts out an invitation to share?

A: For persons who have expanded their awareness through empathy and compassion the number is typically in the hundreds. Some select individuals who have truly expanded their hearts may reach even a few thousand other persons. A person who is relatively isolated and selfish will reach only perhaps up to ten persons. Those who accept the invitations are a mixture of new ones and those who have previously participated.

Q: Can we assume that the personalities, who are in need anywhere in the world, do not know anything about what is taking place but that their High Self is taking part because they know it will help them?

A: Yes. They get a surprise blessing. The High Self has been allowed to make that connection. The Soul Collective then goes directly into that personality.

Q: Does a person need to ask their High Self again each time that they want to share?

A: Yes. In general, we recommend that any Outer Self extend that invitation to all of their subconscious selves, and any external beings or groups- such as one’s family or neighborhood- giving them all an opportunity to benefit. Once again, the person should ask before turning on the recording.

Q: Is the goal to have more and more new people each time?

A: Exactly. The mental labels are easily and quickly formed and the process is more flexible than sending out an e-mail to a group of people.

The person doing the sharing becomes like a new light in the darkness of illusion. The High Selves of the people who recognize that what is being offered is a resource for the personality will tap right in.

Q: Is there an advantage for a person to also ask their High Self to share during a rest period, or would it be better for them to take a break and not ask?

A: We see that the person will benefit in either option. In general, the Outer Self benefits from asking the High Self for assistance.


Q: Since you are a highly evolved group of beings and are authorized to speak for Soul Collective, when you give the answers for this paper, does Soul Collective actually put information out there and you are able to telepathically get those answers?

A: Yes. The connection is quite easily achieved.

Q: Is it appropriate for a person to do a prayer practice or meditation during the five-minute quiet period?

A: We recommend that the person be open and receptive and not specifically use a meditation or prayer procedure. What is important is that they are open and receptive to Soul.

Q: Could a person stop doing an exercise for a while and then start again from where they left off?

A: Yes many people will. Their High Self will help them make adjustments.

Q: Is an exercise just as effective if a person falls asleep during the exercise?

A: Yes. The exercise operates through the sutratma.

Q: If a person didn’t understand the terms or concepts in this paper, would they still be assisted and benefit as much as the person who understood everything presented?

A: Yes.

Q: Does altruism play a role while a person is doing these exercises?

A: Definitely. The illusion of separation occurs initially because a person and its component selves choose to separate from oneness. They create selfish thoughts and intentions from that moment on. By developing the ability to express altruistic intentions and actions, those initial selfish intentions are countered and dissolved thus freeing the person and its component aspects into a state of original oneness.

Q: Is there an affirmation that people could think or say daily that would benefit them, the world and beyond if they chose to, that would gain power and effectiveness as more and more people took part?

A: Yes. We suggest, “We celebrate the presence of love within our hearts and live within the heart of the Creator.”

Q: What would you like to share about spiritual growth that has not been asked?

A: We believe that the most important point to stress relates to the need for an Outer Self to choose to participate and benefit in an exercise. Their choice determines their openness to receive what Soul Collective offers. A person needs to consider that if they make a “shallow” choice without believing that any benefit will occur from the exercise they open the door of opportunity only partway.

The aspects within that person that offer resistance will express that resistance when the influence of the Soul Collective comes to them. Even in those circumstances the resistant aspects will benefit. Yet they need to clear fear and the illusion of separation. Without realizing it, those selves are resisting the gift of Soul!

As the Outer Self and subconscious selves make their choices, they utilize their faculty of will to frame intentions. Their intentions may be to fully receive the benefit offered by Soul, or to receive only a limited benefit, or to receive no benefit. Each of these choices participates in their ability to grow spiritually.

The recording and instructions are quite simple. What we, as Soul Collective, have presented has the ability to help a person have personal, spiritual growth in a way that is best for them. Do not underestimate the simplicity presented, as there can be tremendous power in simplicity!

Q: After a person is finished doing all of the exercises, what happens then?

A: Each personality that completes the exercises offered by the Soul Collective becomes naturally radiant and acts as a continuing source of Soul assistance. The group of exercises may be repeated, in order and with rest periods, as many times as you wish.

Assisting Soul Collective

Q: Thank you, Soul Collective for the assistance you give humanity and all of life. What could we do to assist you?

A: Express Love, Grace and Blessings as frequently as possible. We share in a common task of assisting in the elevation of this planet. That requires enumerable invocations of Grace, expressions of love and offerings of blessings.

• Love offers the nourishment that is available to all who are ready to receive and bathe in it.

• Grace offers powerful transformational forces that work within each personality and being, from the inside out, bringing freedom from illusion and glamour.

• Blessings represent the expression of goodwill that kindles goodwill in others.

All of those modes of service represent primary stimuli for the achievement of unified consciousness within the planet.


Q: Do you have closing remarks?

A: In conclusion we would say that we view each person as an opportunity for blessing. Within each person, life seeks to offer blessing and as a person experiences the assistance from the Soul Collective, they remove obstacles that have prevented them from living a life of blessing.

We regard each person as a gift that is given to humanity and the planet.

As each person opens to their inner being they automatically become blessings and share those blessings with all who need them. This occurs in a state of freedom when a person finds goodwill that they express to themselves as well as to others. They experience a state of fellowship with all beings and yet enhance their own individuality.

By sharing one’s blessings with all of life, each person expresses as a work of art that can constantly improve itself! In that way, the choices available to each individual are multiplied.